Nastanirh's story revolves around what happens in an upper-class Bengali household when the neglected young wife of a workaholic editor develops a close and unsettling relationship with her husband's young cousin. The story revolves around the five characters Bhupati Babu is an upper-class Bengali man in his thirties and is the editor/publisher of a new progressive newspaper. He has poured all the resources of his family estate into the new Dairy business. Charulata is the beautiful young wife of Bhupati who yearns for culture. Amol is Bhupati's younger brother in this version of Tagore's tale. In Tagore's original story and Ray's film, Amol was Bhupati's cousin. However, this distinction between brother and cousin is significant in these circumstances since, in Bengali family practice, cousins are like brothers.
They call each other brothers. Amol is ten years younger than Bhupati and comes to visit his "brother's" house after completing his undergraduate studies. Umapada is Charulata's older brother. Although he is Bhupati's brother-in-law, their family custom leads Bhupati and Umapada to call each other brother. Manda is the young and relatively unremarkable wife of Umapada. Because Bhupati is continually preoccupied with her work, Charulata is left unattended and bored with her life. To provide his wife with companionship that might make things more interesting for her, he invited his brother-in-law, Umapada, and his wife, Manda, to come and live with them at their family estate.