“Aardhangini” which aired on Star Jalsha is the Bengali remake of the drama ‘Tu Sooraj Main Saanjh, Piyaji’. The story revolves around two characters, Umapati and Ishwari. Umapati is a famous Ayurveda practitioner who believes in the traditional beliefs that a man and woman have separate duties and can never be equal. He desires of having an ideal wife who shares his beliefs and supports him in his decisions.
On the other hand, Ishwari is a strong and independent lady who is exceptionally talented and well trained in classical dance. She believes and is a stern supporter of equality. However, when fate decides to bring these two people into a union of marriage after overcoming some problems, they keep aside their views and Ishwari decides to become the ideal wife. She does everything asked of her to fulfill every wish of her husband and in-laws but it's not an easy path. Her in-laws try to humiliate her on several occasions by trying to portray her as either incompetent or a thief but Ishwari manages to prove them wrong every time with her intelligence and strong will.
As the days go by, the family gets involved in an accident that kills them all leaving Ishwari and her ‘kakamoni’ as the sole survivors. The incident leaves her in a state of shock and trauma leading her to lose all her memories. However, a doctor named Aayush who is in charge of her treatment, and her childhood friend and admirer, looks after her and takes care of her. Eventually, when her memories come back and she feels better, she leaves Aayush and he decides to commit suicide, devastated. However, Ishwari returns and the serial ends on a happy note.