The Star Jalsha Parivaar Awards 2018, a Bengali award show aired on April 1, 2018, on Star Jalsha, was a grand celebration of Bengali TV serials, showcasing the immense talent of the industry. Presented by Star Jalsha, the prestigious awards show was hosted by the charismatic duo Jeet and Monami Ghosh Monami Ghosh is a Bengali TV and film actress. She >> Read More... , who added their charm and energy to the event. The evening was filled with recognition and appreciation for the talented artists who brought memorable characters to life on the small screen. The award for Favourite Husband was bestowed upon Khokababu, portrayed by the talented Pratik Sen Bio coming soon... Pratik Sen rose to fame with h >> Read More... , and other exceptional actors who left a lasting impact with their performances.
However, it was the show 'Khokababu' that became the ultimate highlight of the Star Jalsha Parivaar Awards. This captivating serial captivated audiences with its engaging storyline, brilliant performances, and relatable characters. The recognition and acclaim received by 'Khokababu' underscored its popularity and success in winning viewers' hearts. The Star Jalsha Parivaar Awards 2018 celebrated excellence and creativity within the Bengali TV serial industry. With Jeet and Monami Ghosh as the hosts, the event was a night to remember, honoring the exceptional talent that entertained and inspired audiences. It showcased the power of storytelling and the dedication of the artists behind the success of the shows. To watch and learn more about Star Jalsha Parivaar Awards 2018, watch it on Star Jalsha or Disney Plus Hotstar.