Nibir Mayare is an Assamese romantic drama serial aired on Rang TV from 2023 to 2024. The story revolves around two young people, Akash and Rakhi, who fall in love but face many challenges in their relationship. Akash is a simple and honest young man who works as a mechanic. Rakhi is a beautiful and intelligent young woman who comes from a wealthy family. The two meet at a party and are instantly attracted to each other. They start dating, but their relationship is met with opposition from Rakhi’s parents. Rakhi’s parents want her to marry a wealthy and successful man. They disapprove of Akash because he is not from a wealthy family.
They try to force Rakhi to break up with Akash, but she refuses. Akash and Rakhi continue to date secretly, but their relationship is full of obstacles. They have to deal with the disapproval of Rakhi’s parents, as well as the social stigma of their relationship. Despite the challenges, Akash and Rakhi’s love for each other grows stronger. They are determined to be together, no matter what. In the end, Akash and Rakhi’s love triumphs over all obstacles. They are finally able to marry and live happily ever after.