Begum Jaan is an Assamese serial that gained both positive and negative attention. The show was launched on the Rengoni Channel. The plot of Begum Jaan revolves around the fictional story of a Hindu girl, who fights against societal stereotypes to help a Muslim man. The cast members were ‘
Alokjyoti Saikia
Alok Jyoti Saikia is a talented and versatile pers >> Read More...
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Zulfi Shaikh
Zulfi Shaikh from Dhubri has represented India in >> Read More...
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Mridula Baruah
Mridula Baruah is an Indian actress who works main >> Read More...
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Preety Kongana
Preety Kongana Barman hails from Cape Town, Assam. >> Read More...
In a verdict, the Guwahati High Court had banned the show for two months, citing hurting of people’s religious sentiments as the grounds. A news reporter accused the show of promoting “love-jihad,” “incit[ing] violence,” and “affecting the secular ethos of Constitution of India.” Despite the channel’s official clarification about the show not promoting any kind of derogatory content, the cast members were severely trolled and threatened. The female protagonist of the show was compelled to file an FIR because of the amount of death threats she was receiving.