Bharaghar is an Indian sitcom drama series in Assamese. It has three Seasons and was the first Assamese series to adopt the Season system. It became one of the three most-running comedy series on Rung TV. It premiered on November 26, 2012, and starred Jayanta Das Jayanta Das Was A Veteran And Talented Actor Worki >> Read More... and Dulal Bezbarua in lead roles.
Its story revolves around the Kakoti family. Hemanta Kakoti and Kamala Houkadhara Kakoti are a happily married couple. They live with their daughter, daughter-in-law, and son. They rent their housing complex in Guwahati to various people. The comic events of this series follow the stories of their tenants and their families, neighbors, friends, and their own family. Different story plots create funny situations in this situational comedy series and visual treat for the viewers.