Super Why is originally an American animated television show which airs on the channel Chutti TV in Tamil in India. The show is in the form where the main character Whyatt introduces the viewers to a place which he calls the Storybrook Village. It is a place where all of Whyatt’s friends are a part of fairytales. Like most other animated show, this one also has a similar concept where the main character gets along with his friends and others to solve problems that others face.
Whyatt usually gets a call from the one who is in trouble and then he calls Super Readers to the club to discuss the issue. There are four members that include Whyatt, Red Riding Hood, Pig, and Princess Pea. Also, there is Puppy and all of them gather in front of the Book Club which is made in the form of a building of books. As an interactive show, Whaytt then invites the viewer to declare his name and thus includes the person to also be a member of the Super Readers club and help them solve the problem.
The character who has a problem explains it. Also, whenever information is needed or a question arises, they have to refer to a book which Princess Pea brings out using a spell. Whaytt invites the audience to read along with him. He summarizes the problem faced by the characters in the book and tries to relate it to the problem that the Super Readers are to solve. The idea that they use is to follow the storyline as it is in the book and use it. As they progress, they also have to face other obstacles in the way of solving the problem at hand.
When they win over an obstacle, they also win Super Letters which at last helps them to form a word that makes the solution. Super Why is a highly interactive show which makes it very popular among children. It is not just for entertainment purpose but also as an entertainment program. However, the concept of the main characters trying to solve a problem that somebody is facing is not a new one. It has run for about three seasons and a total of 103 episodes. It helps children between the ages 3 to 6 years with reading, rhyming and speaking skills. Super Why airs on Chutti TV from Monday to Friday from 12- 12.30 pm and also 5- 5.30 pm.