Marvel's Hulk and The Agents of Smash is an animated television series produced by Marvel Animations. The characters in this series had been created by Marvel Comics. The original series released on 11 August 2013. The entire story was spread in two seasons with a total number of fifty-two episodes that were telecasted for it. In India, it was launched on 13 April 2014. The show had been telecasted on the Indian channel of Disney XD, which belongs to the Disney India group. The series had been based on the comic book called Hulk, which was written by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee.
The actors whose voice had been used to produce the animated series included Clancy Brown, Eliza Dushku Eliza Patricia Dushku is an American actress, born >> Read More... , Fred Tatasciore, Seth Green and Benjamin Diskin, and they represented Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Hulk, A-Bomb, and Skaar, respectively. The story begins in the offset of Rick Jones Ricky Jones is an actor, director, and writer who >> Read More... ’ online reality series, which tries to gain public acceptance of Hulk as a savior rather than a monster. For the same, a team called S.M.A.S.H. is arranged, which stands for Supreme Military Agency of Super Humans. The team consists of Hulk, Red Hulk, A-Bomb, She-Hulk, and Skaar.
These team members come to be known as agents of S.M.A.S.H. Together they tackle threats that no one can face. Vista Verde is where this team holds its base. This is the same place where Bruce Banner had transformed into the Hulk for the first time. There is always attacked under various threats, from which the recurring one being from Leader, who is Hulk’s nemesis. And the twist of the tale is that Leader holds the key to the origin of Skaar. This marks the end of season one. Season two begins with the agents coming back to earth from their fights with Skrull and Kree.
Upon their return, the agents are being hunted by the military and S.H.I.E.L.D., and somehow the military has happened to acquire the technology called Hulkbuster. This technology negates the invincibility of Hulk and kills him. The agents try to prove their innocence and eventually succeed in theprocess. But again they are intercepted by the threat of Leader going into the history through time travel, and try and alter it. Another trouble surfaces at the same time as the Kree Armada and the Supreme Intelligence invades in the wake of the capture and incarceration of the Accuser, Ronan. The show had been summarized as a disappointing addition to the growing lineup of Marvel.