For one as young as Anandhi, she has already proved her mettle as a fine actress right from her very first film in Telugu. While she has gone on to act in several films after that, including those in Tamil, discerning moviegoers always try to co-relate with her acting in her debut film.“Bus Stop” was shot in 2012, when she...
Shreya Ghoshal, one of the most famous singers in Bollywood today, was born on March 12th, 1984, in Berhampore, West Bengal. Her father Biswajit Ghoshal is an electrical engineer and mother Sharmistha Ghoshal is a postgraduate in literature. She started singing since the age of 4 when her mother taught her. She started her formal training in Hindustani classical Gharana...
Born on 5th September in Chennai, Chandran, is a Tollywood actor. Since a young age, Chandran was always interested in acting. However, he still did a postgraduate in Advertising so that he would have something to fall back on if he didn’t make it in the film industry. Chandran worked in the sales team in the radio station Surya FM...
Immanuel Vasanth Dinakaran, acknowledged as D. Imman, is an Indian big screen musician and songster mainly for Tollywood. Imman was in Chennai in Sothern parts of India on 24 January 1983. He did his schooling Don Bosco, Egmore, Chennai and completed his graduation in Pachaiyappa's College. He did his Master's from Madras University. Immanuel got married on 24th April 2008...
Started in 2012 as a director and writer, M. Anbazhagan is an upcoming star director in Tamilian cinema. Saattai was his first direction which was based on reforming of education system in the villages. Starring Samuthirakani in the lead, he went on to get 4 out of 5 stars as per a Times Of India critics. Also the writer for the...
J Jayakrishnan is an Indian producer who works mainly in the Tamil film industry. He is known for movies like, “Metro” an action crime film, released on June 24, 2016, directed and written by Anandha Krishnan, produced by E5 Entertainments Metro Productions, Johan Shevanesh composed the music, and Shrish, Bobby Simha, and Sendrayan played the leading roles, “Atti” a comedy...
Prabhu Solomon is a Tamil Director, writer and producer. He shot to fame with the film Mynaa (2010), a Romantic Tragedy. Prabhu made his debut in 1999 with Kannodu Kanbathellam and did not have a very successful career until Mynaa happened in 2010....
Yugabharathi is an Indian lyricist and poet. He specializes in writing Tamil poems and Tamil songs. He was born in the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu. Yugabharathi’s real name is Prem Kumar, but he changed it to Yugabharathi as it was his pen name for his poems. Yugabharathi completed his Matriculation from Maxwell Matriculation Higher Secondary School. He also has...
Sathya Prakash is a popular south Indian villain actor, who hailed from Odisha. His father was a government staff and Sathya got a place in the government school and he completed his schooling. Sambalpur, Burgad and Burhampur are the places, where Sathya completed his graduation and post graduation. Sathya did his MBA in Kolkata. He was a bank employee for...
Mounam Ravi is a Public Relation Officer for the Tamil (Kollywood) industry. He's been a part of many blockbuster movies and had worked with many dignitaries. His work involves; understand and support his clients in matters related to how to portray their image in public and what steps should bring their client reputation, through using all forms of media and...
Chinni Jayanth is a veteran artist and a quite a famous name in the Tamil cinema and TV world. Chinni Jayanth was born in July 26, 1960 in Chennai Tamil Nadu. He is a seasoned actor, comedian, director and producer. He has hosted some very popular Television Programs like Kalakkapovathu Yaar, Asathatpovathu Yarru and Sagalai vs Ragalai. He debuted in...
G. Marimuthu is a very well known Indian Film director as well as an actor. He has mostly directed Tamil Films. He made his entrance film in the year 2008, which is KannumKannum. He also enacted in a movie, Pulivaal in the year 2014....
Harish Uthaman has worked in Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu films. Born on 5th April 1982, Harish entered the film industry with the 2010 Tamil flick Thaa. Later he worked as villain in Paandiya Naadu, Gouravam and Meagamann. Harish initially worked in Paramount Airways in the cabin crew department. Later he got himself associated with British Airways. Then he had a brief...
M. S. Bhaskar is an Indian actor, born on Jan 19, 1952, and hailed from Muthupettai, Tiruvavur District, Tamil Nadu, India. He used to be a theater artist and performed as a comedian in Tamil TV series and films. His method of acting is simple and is getting professional by the day. He became famous for playing as Pattabi in...