Bhama Rekitha Rajendra Kurup, famously known as Bhama is a well-known face of the Kannada and Malayalam films. Born to Rajendra and Shylaja Kurup, this actress completed her studies from St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School in Manacard, Kottayam district of Kerala. She also has two other siblings, Reshmitha and Renjitha. Later, she pursued her Bachelors in Sociology too and resides...
Baby Nayanthara Aka Nayanthara Chakravarthy is a 17-year-old actress who works in the Southern Film Industry. She was born on the 20th of April 2002 to Maninath Chakravarthy and Bindhu at Trivandrum. She hails from Kollam, Kerala and has a brother called Ayaan Chakravarthy. She began her career as a child artist and has become a movie actress now....
Reaching the stars of her glamorous life, she has made her way to success. A famous Tamil actress who was born in Kochi, Kerala a Christian by birth. Soon after her post-graduation. She married Anil Joseph who works in an oil company and is settled in Abu Dhabi. Her journey started as a TV actress who was an anchor in...
Rahman also known as Rashin Rahman, is a famous South Indian Actor born on 23 May 1967. He was born in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. and his native is Nilambur in Malappuram District, Kerala. He studied in Baldwin Boys High School in Bangalore, Rex Higher Secondary School in Ooty and did his college from M.E.S Mampad College, Nilambur and St.Joseph’s Abu...
M Jayachandran is an Indian musician, music composer, and singer; he works in Malayalam Film Industry. Jayachandran was born on 5th April 1971 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. His parents are Madhusudhanan Nair and Sukumari Amma. He took his Electrical Engineering degree from TKM College of Engineering. On 12th November 1995, he got married to Priya. At the age of 5, he...
Santhosh Keezhattoor, born on 4th February 1976, in Taliparamba, Kerala is a Malayalam film actor. His debut film was Nadan. He started off his career as a model, an anchor, a programme producer and as a theatre artist, before trying his luck in the film industry. He first did theater in the year 2000, and his last performance was in...
Rafeeq Ahammed was born on 17 December 1961 at Akkikavu, Trichur, Kerala, to Syed Sajjad Hussain and Thithayikutty. Rafeeq is a Malayalam poet, lyricist, and novelist. He has won the Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award in 2005 for his Poetic work, Aalmara, and is a Five-time winner of the Kerala State Film Award for Best lyrics....