The Wolfpack is an American documentary, tenderly narrating a unique tale filled with melancholy, brotherly love, and eventual restitution, written and directed by Crystal Moselle. The film features an extensive cast comprising - Mukunda Angulo, Narayana Angulo, Susanne Angulo, Bhagavan Angulo, Jagadisa Angulo, Krsna Angulo, Oscar Angulo, Visnu Angulo, Chloe Pecorino, Govinda Angulo, Christian Bale He’s known to be one of the most talented and most >> Read More... , Amanda Plummer, Tim Roth Tim Roth is originally known as Simon Timothy. Rot >> Read More... , Isabella Rossellini and Ned Shatzer. The background theme was composed by the artists: ASKA, Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans. The camera was worked by Crystal Moselle and edits were made by Enat Sidi. The film was produced by Hunter Gray Hunter Gray is a Hollywood film producer of great >> Read More... , Crystal Moselle, and Isabella Tzenkova, under the Kotva Films and Verisimilitude banners.
The film revolves around the curious and bizarre story of the six Angulo siblings, secluded from the rest of the world from childhood – due to their father’s (Oscar Angulo) irrational fear of the outside world, being petrified of the rising crime and violence on New York City’s streets. Their mother “Susanne” too, was powerless; relegated to a mere home-school teacher. Their only portal to the outside world was movies, in the form of DVDs, which they not just voraciously consumed but also re-enacted in detail; drafting their scripts and even sets by utilizing their ingenuity. However, all changes one day as one of the brothers makes it breaches the confines of their father’s prison, and the dynamics of the household transform – as the brothers figure out how to re-integrate into society while maintaining the fraternity.
Star Performance
Although “The Wolfpack” is her maiden documentary, Crystal Moselle errs nowhere in the narration of the documentary; with the movie being an unfiltered look into the history and lives of the Angulo family members. Although, based on a grave matter, the Moselle doesn’t dwell over darkness and the film even casts a glimmer of hope, as we see the siblings find their place in the world. The Angulo siblings also provide an honest glimpse into their past, presenting their thoughts cogently, and their snappy hairstyles and outfits, make the audience see past their social awkwardness and get to know their other aspects.
On the whole, the film delivers a sympathetic and moving account of the Angulo family’s life. While the documentary undoubtedly touches upon a unique subject and provides an unfiltered glimpse into the Angulo household, it does suffer from a distinct lack of context and contextual clues, compromising the plot’s integrity and not giving the story the background it deserves. The film also doesn’t go into much depth as to how the Angulo brothers’ lives turned out to be, leaving one unsatisfied. Moselle’s hands-off direction is also well-suited to this particular story, with questions being posed to the siblings being sparse, with them often being allowed to reach their conclusions – allowing them to reach their conclusions; however, this often leads to frustration with the pacing depending on the siblings’ emotional states, hence being all over the place at times. Most of the film is very moving, with the climax near the end, as the boys move out of the house and into the real world, scared, perplexed, and insecure; relating to real-life objects by reel memories. While the film did an unequivocally exceptional job at describing the lives of the Angulo siblings, one feels a distinct lack of attention given to their parents, leaving one once again bereft of context.
What’s There?
What’s Not There?
The Wolfpack while may not be able to provide the complete background of the Angulo family, will manage to capture your attention and affection by showcasing the situation in a neutral and unfiltered lens. Seeing the brothers make the best out of their lives by re-enacting movies with screenplay and directorial powerhouses like Tarantino and Nolan – really fills the one with joy – and seeing them move out of the house offers much-needed hope to their dire situation. The Wolfpack with its exceptional story deserves a watch!
Crystal Moselle
01 Hour 30 Minutes
Plot revolves around Drama, etc.
No, it's rated A
No, it will be available soon on Amazon Prime Video