Amy Seimetz is an American director, actor, editor, writer, and producer, living in Los Angeles. The debut movie under her direction, edition and production, “Sun Don’t Shine,” owned her The Spark Award, which was a special jury prize at the International Film Festival of River Run. The movie also won the Best Indie wire Undistributed Film of 2012. The Same...
Eli Raphael Roth is a renowned American actor, director, writer, and producer. He is famous for his horror film series of ‘Hostel’. He was born to Dr. Sheldon Roth, who is a psychiatrist and a clinical professor at Harvard Medical School and to Cora Roth, a painter. His family has Austrian, Hungary, and Russian and Polish ancestry. He was raised...
Graduated from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinema- Television, otherwise known as the USC School of Cinematic Arts, in Los Angeles, Eric Newman is a producer of films and television. He established his company and named it 'Grand Electric'. He worked on Saturday Night Live and aborted, being a television producer to patch up with the creator and...
Joe Swanberg was born in Detroit, Michigan on 31st August 1981. Joe is a multi-talented person. He is an Actor, Producer and is also a world-class Director. Joe doesn’t make high budgeted movies, and he maintains a low profile and uses various film-making techniques to make movies on a very small budget. He attended Naperville Central High School from where...