Emily Blunt, also known as Emily Olivia Leah Blunt is a British actress, born on 23rd February 1983, in West London. She was born to Joanna Mackie, a former actress and teacher and Oliver Simon Peter Blunt, a banister. She received her primary education at Ibstock Place School, Roehampton. Blunt was initially struggling with stammering (a speech disorder). She underwent...
Alison Brie is also known as Alison Brie Schermerhorn, and she is an American television and movie actress. She is known for her role of Annie Edison in the comedy series Community, aired on NBC/Yahoo!. Her famous television series include Trudy Campbell aired on AMC drama and Mad Men; she had voiced for the character of Diane Nguyen in the...
Dakota Johnson is an American actress and model. She was born on 4th October 1989 in Austin, Texas to actors Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson, who are now separated. She has six half-siblings, four on her father’s side and two on her mother’s. Her maternal grandmother being an actress Tippi Hedren, Dakota is a third-generation Hollywood actress. Needless to say,...
Nicholas Stoller is a British director who is known for helming movies such as Neighbours series, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. He was born on 19 March 1976 in London. He was raised in Miami. His mother Phyllis worked as a tour operator whereas his father Eric worked in banking services. Raised Jewish, he attended high school at a boarding school named...
Jason Segel born to a rich Jewish lawyer, he spent his childhood in a posh locality in Los Angeles. While he was young, he was bullied by his fellows at the Christian elementary school because of his Jewish background although his mother was Christian....
Chris Pratt is a renowned American actor, who became popular for his roles in television shows like Everwood and Parks and Recreation. He was born as Christopher Michael Pratt on June 21, 1979, in Virginia, Minnesota, the USA to Kathleen Louise Kathy and the late Daniel Cliffton Pratt. He was raised in Lake Stevens in Washington, where he won the...