Brittany Lefebvre is a film producer working in Hollywood, popular amongst the viewers for her movies like God’s Not Dead: A Light In Darkness (2018), The Case For Christ (2017), and Samson (2018). The year 2010 was a crucial one for Brittany as she made her first notable contribution in the film industry by producing the film The Encounter, starring...
With her cute looks, she reached out to the people with her commercials in her childhood. Later, with her acting skills, she mesmerized the audience with roles from different genres. All in all, she had a fan following from a very tender age. She is Erika Christensen. Erika Jane Christensen, famously known to the film industry as Erika Christensen, was...
Faye Dunaway is an American film actress. He was born as Dorothy Faye Dunaway on January 14, 1941, in Bascom, Florida, U.S. to Grace April and John MacDowell Dunaway Jr. She took dance, piano, tap, and singing classes. Faye attended Florida State University and the University of Florida. She completed a degree in theater at the Boston University. She also...
L. Scott Caldwell was born on April 17th, 1950. She was an American actress whose original name was Laverne Scott. She was very famous for her role as Rose in the movie Lost. Scott was born in Chicago to working parents as their middle child. She grew up in the Woodlawn Neighborhood and used to attend the morning session of...
Brian Shanley is a cinematographer working in Hollywood, popular in the industry for his work in movies and shows like Spacejacked (1997), .com for murder (2002), God’s Not Dead (2014), and Teen Wolf (2014). With over 40 credits to his name, including movies and TV shows, Brian is considered as one of the most skilled cinematographers in the business. First...
Vance Null is a notable film editor who is of American origin. Vance was born in Phoenix, the state of Arizona in the USA. Vance did his schooling and graduation from Phoenix. Vance migrated to Los Angeles to carve a career in the profession of editing films. In Los Angeles, Vance took up an internship where he learned all the...
Robert Wallace Forster, Jr. is an American actor, who had an Oscar nomination for his role in the film 'Jackie Brown.' He played the role of Max Cherry in the movie along with actors like Grier Samuel L. Jackson and got world recognition. Although the film fetched the lead actor Samuel L Jackson an award at Berlin film festival, it...