Bazodee is a cheerful Bollywood-style romantic drama filled with music directed by Todd Kessler and scripted by Claire Ince. The movie has the Trinidadian superstar Mr. Machel Montano in the role of Lee De Leon (an impressive singer), supported by the lead co-actress Natalie Perera who played Anita Panchouri who played Anita Panchori. Other supporting casts were Staz Niar, Valmike Rampersad Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Chris Paul Smith, Teneille Newallo, Rahul Nath Rahul Nath, conceived Rahul Nath Mahant, is an Ind >> Read More... , Kriss Dosanjh; Remy Rem, Pauline Mark, and Cindy F. Daniel.
Lee de Leon was a soulful singer and artist but was on a career break for the past year. He met Anita Panchouri, who was a huge follower of his art. She encourages him to get back to his career, where they feel an instant connection. Lee de Leon, while performing at Anita’s engagement, got to know about her fiancé. There were sparks, but Anita refused to acknowledge them. Over a chit-chat, they make a plan to hook up her cousin Poorvi and her future brother-in-law Partiv. On the following day, while working on the plan, Anita got blown away by the music and made her move on Lee, and later, they had an affair. On the other hand, Anita’s father, Mr. Ram, signed all his property with her in-laws in case the marriage was called off. But somehow the in-laws got to know about Anita’s affair. What happened to Anita’s and Lee’s love story? Will Anita’s father go bankrupt? The rest of the story runs around it.
Star Performance
Mr. Machel’s realistic acting just seemed perfect with a cherry of melodious music. His style, his emotion, and his glance were all mesmerizing. The show's beauty was Anita Panchori’s performance, along with her singing and rhythmic gyrations, which were a delight and real. Mr. Kabir Bedi Kabir Bedi is well known Indian television and fil >> Read More... has also done a fabulous job playing a very cool and understanding father. Staz and Valmike were smart and passionate. Teneille, Cindy, Kriss, and Remy did a decent job too.
The cast is an international mix that involves Trinidad’s soca, Machel Montano. The definition of beauty in Natalie Perera and her performance as a Trinidadian was convincing, but there was a little gap between Montano and Perera’s chemistry. The movie reflects the culture and multi-racial beauty of Trinidad and Tobago. It is more like ‘Mississippi Masala’ meets ‘ Romeo Juliet Click to look into! >> Read More... ’ with more music and fewer tears. The movie has the essence of intercultural music as well as dressing. The movie is filled with romance, music, and perfectly striking jokes. If you are a sucker for bright sunshine, rhythmic music, white sandy beaches, carnivals, and happy endings, then you are going to have a great time.
What’s There?
What’s not there?
You may think of it as a Bollywood movie, but that’s not exactly the best way to describe it. It’s not a Bollywood movie, but rather a wood movie that was ten years in the making and highlights Indo-Caribbean culture and soca music. If this movie was made for West Indians, it needs more realness; if it's for outsiders, it needs more explanation. It can make your moment worthwhile.
Romance, Musical
01 Hour 46 Minutes
Plot revolves around Romance, Musical, etc.
Yes, it's rated UA
No, it will be available soon on Amazon Prime Video