“Sheesh Mahal” is the upcoming Telugu movie, which is based on the International Children’s Film Festival in Hyderabad. The film festival is held once in two years. The movie has the story of a Khammam girl, a rag picker, a person, who works in a canteen, and a director, who makes documentary films. The movie was started in 2013, with “Sasi” as the director and Gnana Sekhar as the cinematographer. Totally, 27 days were needed to shoot the film, and the director completed it perfectly. They shot the movie in Hyderabad with Guerilla style. The 5d technique was used to shot the film and in the natural lighting. Before the Post-Production work, the team has spent just Rs. 7 Lakhs. They need Rs. 15 Lakhs to complete the remaining work. Director Sasi says, he is a great follower of
Ram Gopal Varma
Mira Nair
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