“Padamavati,” the film on the Rajput Queen Padmini, has undergone a name change “Padmavat,” due to the continuous opposition from various Rajput movements including Karni Sena. Those movements stated that the film has distorted the history and had degraded the queen. Although the makers tried to prove that the protesters guess a wrong one, they are not in a mood to hear them. Some states including Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh had banned screening the film. The makers filed a case on the Supreme Court to lift the band and now the Supreme Court favored the makers and allowed the film to screen in those states by lifting the ban. Padmavat would hit the screens next week on the Republic Day weekend. The film stars
Deepika Padukone
in the titular role.
Shahid Kapoor
plays Padmini’s husband Raja Rawal Ratan Singh and
Ranveer Singh
plays Alauddin Khilji.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali
directs the film.