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Go Back Modi Is Trending Once Again!

Monday, November 25th, 2019
Go Back Modi Is Trending Once Again!

Go Back Modi hashtag had been trending, whenever Narendra Modi Born on September 17, 1950, in Mehsana, Gujarat, N >> Read More... , the PM Visited India. Now, it has been trending on Twitter. This time, it is not the Tamilnadu people, who are trending it, but the Jharkhand people. As Modi is in Jharkhand for an election campaign, this tag had been used by Jharkhand people and it is trending in second place on Twitter.

Following the National Trend, the BJP had been tweeting about Modi’s rule and the benefits received by the state in BJP’s rule. A lot of controversial tweets had been rolling relating to the Maharashtra government formation. A case had been on the Supreme Court regarding this. Let’s wait and watch what happens!