Fairy Tale is a Pakistani Television show that premiered in 2023. It is a romantic comedy starring Sehar Khan and Hamza Sohail. The show was written by Sarah Majeed, directed by Ali Hasan, and produced by Md Productions, specifically by Momina Duraid. The first season was aired on HUM TV from 23 March, 2023, to 24 April, 2023. It was during Ramadan. The second season started on 5 August, 2023, and it was aired on the same channel.
Season 1:
In the first season, there is a young girl from a middle-class family. She has a constant urge to get rich, so she seeks ways to achieve wealth. Umeed has a very colorful and intelli...
Ishq Jalebi is a Pakistani romantic comedy show that aired in 2021. Directed by Syed Wajahat Hussain. It premiered on Geo Entertainment Tv. It is a story about a family and its internal and external struggles. Baojee is the head of the family played by the very famous veteran actor Qavi Khan. He is the patron of the house and lives with his daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. He owns a family business for catering and because of old age wants his sons Rafaqat and Sadaqat played by Mehmood Aslam and Kashif Mehmood respectively to inherit and run the family business. They decide to settle abroad with their family. Disheartened by their decision, Baojee decides to give their family business to his son-in-law and grandson Basim. Basim is...
Hum Tum is an Urdu language comedy-drama series aired on the Channel Hum TV from 3 April 2022 till 3 May 2022. Momina Duraid produced this series under the production house, MD Productions. Saima Akram Chaudhry wrote this series which was directed by Danish Nawaz. The series starred Ramsha Khan, Ahad Raza Mir, Sarah Khan and Junaid Khan in prominent roles. The series revolves around two houses in one neighbourhood where one has intelligent girls while the other possesses good-mannered boys. The series received nominations for Best TV Play, Best Television Actress for Ramsha Khan, Best TV Original Soundtrack, and more at the 22nd Lux Style Awards.Â
Chupke Chupke is a Pakistani comedy-drama series in Urdu. It aired on Hum TV from April 14, 2021, to May 13, 2021, during Ramadan, under the banner of MD Productions. Danish Nawaz was the director of this critically acclaimed comic series. It also became Pakistan’s third most searched item on Google. It starred Ayeza Khan and Osman Khalid Butt in lead roles. It is also available on YouTube.
Its story revolves around the family of Nawab Sahab. He had two wives, Naik Parwar and Naik Bakht, who lived in separate houses adjacent to each other as neighbors. Naik Bakht lives in Nawab House, and Naik Parwar lives in Nawab Villa. Naik Pa...
Suno Chanda is a Pakistani drama that aired on the channel Hum Tv in the year 2018. The show aired as a Ramadan special series and was a romantic comedy show which was appreciated by the audiences. Ahson Talish directed the show, Saima Akram Chudhery was the writer of the show. The serial started airing on 17 May 2018 and finished airing on 15 June 2018. The show talks about the time gap between the nikah and rukhsati. The show revolves around two cousins Arsalan and Ajiya, who are cousins who have gotten married but haven’t started staying together because the ritual of rukhsati is not completed yet. However, both Arsal and Jiya are against this marriage and start hating each other.
Arsal and Jiya constantly scheme to stop...
Tanna Banna is a Pakistani Ramadan special drama serial in Urdu-Language that aired on 13th April 2021 on Hum TV. The serial focuses on the life of Zoya and Zain. Zoya was just graduated when her marriage to Zain was fixed by her parents. Zoya didn't want to go against her parent's decision but also wanted to complete her education by doing a postgraduate course. She prepared a written agreement stating that she wanted to study and complete her master's after marriage; the agreement had to be signed by her to-be husband. Zain, believed in love after marriage and signed the agreement without reading it.
The story escalates when Zoya and Zain face challenges in their relationship. Will the newlywed couple go separate wa...