Yeh Dosti is an Assamese drama serial that aired on Rengoni TV almost 5-6 years back. The serial focuses on the life of a few teenagers who want to get established in life and achieve success by following their own rules. However, as they grow up, they face several challenges and realize that life takes a lot more than mere dreams to achieve success.
 As the challenges get harder their friendship is tested more than once. Their struggling lives overlap with secrets kept along the way and lies and betrayals from their close ones. Situations are never really as hunky dory as they seem and drama ensues leaving their friendship to be questioned repeatedly. If you want to relive your childhood or are a fan of teenage drama then t...
Even after growing up in an urban background, we still long for the life of villages. The eye-catching view of greenery along the sides of village roads can't be hated by people.The body language and natural persona of the villagers remain likable to many of us. Their issues become the root cause of many big problems in a nation. As a result, resolving them from there appears to be our top priority on a regular basis.this entertaining drama, we get to know the lives of people in the village of Chekonidhara and their surrounding issues.The main female lead has done an excellent job of enhancing the curiosity of viewers.
Maharathi (2013) is an Assamese serial that dictates the life of the Mahabharat character, Karna. The mythological serial is directed by Arup Das and edited by Mohan Pegu and Basanta Haloi. It follows the story of Kunti’s son, Karna, who was abandoned as a child, for she gave birth to him as an unmarried woman.Karna being the divine child of the sun god, Surya and Kunti was a demigod, just like the Pandavas. Karna was adopted by a mixed-race couple, Radha and Adhiratha Nandana. Nandana was the charioteer of king Dhritarashtra, the father of the Kauravas.Karna true to his blood proved himself a worthy prince, despite his upbringing in a common man’s household. His valour and capability were recognized by Durjyodhan, the eldest...
Back to School is an Assamese show which was telecast on Rengoni TV Channel. The show casts some of the most amazingly talented actors and actresses like ‘Prastuti Parashar,’ ‘Enu Boruah,’ ‘RJ Pahi,’ ‘RJ Mandy,’ ‘Minu Bania,’ ‘Nishita Goswami,’ and ‘Arun Hazarika.’ It is telecast every Sunday at 8 PM and 10 PM. The uncut episodes are released on every Monday to Saturday at 4:30 PM.