Rani Ahad, also known as Mahamuda Ahad Rani, is a Bangladeshi Actress and Model. She hails and lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Rani finished her schooling and graduated in Dhaka. She is a brand ambassador at Walton and was also known for her work as an actress at Deepto TV and Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BDFC). Rani had no plans to join the media or the TV and Modelling Industry initially. But in 2015, she got some pictures of herself for personal use from a dear cameraman friend. She used those pictures and posted them on her social media account. After this, Rani got several offers for modelling. The first modelling she did was for Kaler Kontho newspaper, featuring her on the front page.
Later, Rani bagged another offer from one of the topmost brands in Bangladesh, Walton, to do a TVC shoot. After some years, she landed a role in the mega serial titled Palki on Deepto TV. She has also modelled in numerous music videos opposite famous actors such as Maznun Mizan Maznum Mizan is a Bangladeshi actor, director, and >> Read More... and many others. Rani has received much love and appreciation for her role as Saba in the serial Palki and was offered to act in many Tele-dramas and films. She admires Kajol and has always been a fan of Bollywood, which inspired her to take up acting. Rani came to the limelight of the film industry after starring as the lead actress in a special-length film, Jonok O Shontan, in which Rani played the role of Birangana. She debuted in the film Industry with a minor role in Jodi Ekdin.