Neha Chandran Saroopa is most popularly known for her role in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. This show is featured on Star Plus and is based on the theme of exploring love in a marriage, when the marriage is not a love marriage, and is based in Jaipur, Rajasthan. It is about Akshara and Naitik’s marriage, the protagonists of the show. Neha, in this serial plays the role of Rashmi, who happens to Naitik’s younger sister. She is seen as a young, innocent and docile girl of Jaipur, with her love for family, and obeys every word of her parents. She shares a close bond with Akshara and Naitik!
Her current celebrity television ranking is 806. Her last week’s ranking was 339. She reached her peak of fame in August, 2009, when she had a ranking of just 98. She interacts with her fans through face book, and has around 3569 likes on her page.
Neha was born and brought up in Mumbai, and is currently staying in Mumbai, for her work purposes. She is in her late twenties but does not see marriage in her cards right now, she says in one of her interviews. She is a big shopaholic, she has said in many of her interviews. In her words, given a chance she can go for shopping every day. She loves her family a lot, and is a big fan of movies, especially Yash Raj films. She says she does not like missing out on a good movie, and is also a big
Yash Chopra