Dhavan Nakhau is an actor and musician, predominantly appearing in the Gujarati movie industry. He is known for his dashing looks and handsome body, for which he usually flexes while posting new pictures on Instagram for his fans to see and get motivated to build theirs too. Dhavan’s fans love to compare him with the famous Hollywood singer, Zayn Malik Zayn Javadd Malik was born in England on 12 Januar >> Read More... , due to his looks and beard cut. However, Dhavan has stepped into the field to make his own identity and win the hearts of people through his own talent, and therefore, this complement has never increased his ego. Dhavan was born and raised in Mumbai. He has held an interest in music production and singing since childhood. He has participated in many nightclubs and events across the country and has won the hearts of many with his tracks.
However, after board exams, his mother suggested him do a short course in Acting. Dhavan had always carried an attitude to learn new things at each point of his life, and thus, he directly stepped into this, in the thought of utilizing his free time. However, his acting skills kept getting polished, and thus, he made it to various serial shows, like, ‘Balika Vadhu,’ ‘Gumrah – End Of Innocence,’ ‘ MTV Webbed,’ and ‘Saavdhan India.’ Dhavan made his debut in the film industry through the movie, “Band Baaja Babuchak” released in 2017, which is a romance and comedy film.
He played the main character there, as Chako, who was a dance choreographer in the script. His mother language is Katchi, and thus, even after spending his life in Mumbai, he doesn’t find it challenging to give frequent dialogue delivery in Gujarati movies. His second film was “The Reunions” as an actor. Dhavan is training more for his modeling skills and is doing various assignments for modeling agencies. He is now determined to be a successful actor while pursuing his interest in Music side by side.