Dhaval Sinh Gohil, also known as Alex Bapu, is a versatile actor, artist, and choreographer based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He was born in the city of Bharuch, Gujarat. He has studied Bachelor’s in Commerce from M.K Commerce College in Bharuch. He started his journey in the entertainment industry as a dancer in 2015 and people immediately started to recognize him as ‘Master Alex.’
As an actor, Alex has done remarkable roles in various Gujarati movies, such as ‘Lady Dabang,’ ‘Navri Bazar,’ and ‘Bagavat.’ However, he was particularly appreciated for his role in a popular Gujarati TV series called ‘PG Buddies,’ released in 2020. In addition to acting in Gujarati cinema, Alex also worked in some Punjabi albums, reflecting his talent and versatility as an actor. As a choreographer, he has choreographed in more than 250 dance shows. His unique dancing style and ability to inspire other aspiring dancers have earned him recognition as a talented and creative choreographer.
Moreover, he established his own ‘Alex Dance Studio,’ in Mumbai. It is a great platform to provide opportunities for the aspiring dancers to show their talents and express their creativity under the expert guidance of Alex. Besides, he has conducted several dance workshops in different states across India, to teach and share his expertise and knowledge with aspiring students. Fortunately, he also got the opportunity and privilege to collaborate with renowned choreographers of the dance industry, such as Jeet Singh Jeet Singh is a music composer and producer. He st >> Read More... and Remo D'Suza.