Pakistan Music Stars is a reality show based on music. Kamran Khan directed this show. They had judges including Fariha Parhez, Sheraz Uppal, Faakir Mehmood, Haroon, Rashid, Rameez Mukhtar, and Rahim Shah. This show auditioned the hidden talents of many contestants to provide them the opportunity to make a name for themselves. They also guided some contestants on how they could do better to improve their vocalization techniques. The judges were highly talented and insightful.
Contestants role-modelled these great personalities and felt inspired by their philosophical approach towards music. All the selected contestants were divided into six teams, and they competed with each other for the title of 'Ultimate Pop Sensation.' Nouman Javaid Nouman Javaid is a highly known and prominent figu >> Read More... and Anoushey Ashraf Bio coming soon... >> Read More... did their best in hosting the show and maintaining the entertaining, musical vibe on the set. Only four teams will advance to the semi-finals. For the Grand Finale, only two teams would be selected.