Haasil is a Pakistani serial that premiered in 2016 on Geo TV. The serial focuses on the lives of two friends and their journey from friendship to rivalry. Haasil is the story of Hareem and Rimsha, two college friends who belong to different sects of society. While, Hareem is the daughter of a wealthy family who lives their life with comfort and luxury, Rimsha belongs to a poorer family who barely makes ends meet. Rimsha's parents have a dark past associated with them that is constantly brought up by individuals surrounding them. Hareem belongs to a reputed and religious family, the opposite of her friend. Due to being abandoned and orphaned at a young age, Rimsha has grown to be carefree and independent. Rimsha's take on relationships and social life is lighthearted while Hareem is constrained to her reputed aura, while making decisions.Â
The story escalates when Rimsha converses with her sister, which transitions to an argument that questions Rimsha's character. The next day, Rimsha and Hareem argue when Hareem points out Rimsha's nature and accuses her of sleeping with her different cousins. Both conversation having the typical pattern triggered Rimsha and she left the spot. Rimsha didn't expect Hareem to doubt her character and cry out for vengeance. Will Hareem and Rimsha be able to mend their friendship? Watch the serial to find out. Haasil is an Urdu-language serial. It's written by Rukhsana Nigar Born in Lahore and based in Karachi, Rukhsana Niga >> Read More... and directed by Abdullah Badini Abdullah Badini is a Pakistan-origin director who >> Read More... . The lead cast of the serial includes Ahsan Khan Ahsan Khan is a Pakistani actor born on 9th Octobe >> Read More... as Junaid, Mawra Hocane Mawra Hussain is a Pakistani actress, VJ, and a mo >> Read More... as Hareem, and Sonya Hussain as Rimsha. Watch Haasil on Har Pal Geo's YouTube ChannelÂ