Zara Si Ghalat Fehmi happens to be an Urdu language show that aired on PTV Home from 2015 onwards. The show was directed by the famous director Syed Hussnain Abbas, and the show’s storyline was written and created by K. Rehman. Having an exciting cast including some famous names like Farhan Ali Agha Farhan Ali Agha is a Pakistani model and actor. He >> Read More... , Fiza Ali Fiza Ali is one of the shining stars of Pakistani >> Read More... , Saleem Sheikh Saleem Sheikh is a Pakistani TV/film actor and pro >> Read More... and Ghulam Mohuiddin, among many others, the show belonged to the genre of family drama with solid emotions and emotional sequences. The story was primarily centered on the life of a young, seemingly beautiful couple with deep underlying issues in their relationship.
They are almost on the verge of separation and eventually divorce because of their differences. The show explores the complex emotions surrounding such strained marital relations, how the people involved deal with such situations, and quite significantly, the lasting impacts they seem to cast on the family’s children. This story reflects a culmination of real-life problems and emotions, such as failed expectations, unfulfilled desires and suppressed feelings, all boiling over into extreme consequences.
Everything begins when a feudal lord falls in love with his college friend, but familial pressures lead him to marry a girl who is not his choice but rather the choice of his family, leading to bitter emotions that never honestly go away. What happens next is for the audience to explore as they embark on this journey with the characters. Engaging and emotional, an exciting blend of complexities this show can make quite an enjoyable watch.