Aangan Mein Deewar is a Pakistani serial premiered in 2015 on PTV Home. The serial focuses on the life of Mashal, the fourth wife of a reputed landlord with political influence. Chaudhary Noor Alam was a well-known and revered person in the political sphere of Lahore. The story escalates when Mashal takes over the management and ownership of the haveli. Later, she felt it was essential to continue the legacy of her husband in the politics of Lahore and decided to enter the political circle. However, Chaudhary's first wife returned to the country to ruin Mashal's plan. She believed that here daughter is the only rightful heir of the property and privilege left behind by her husband.Â
Mashal and the first wife of Chaudhary moved to the court for a fair verdict on the matter. However, things get complicated when Imran falls in love with Sara, the daughter of the first wife. What happens next? Watch the serial to find out. Aangan Mein Deewar is an Urdu-language drama serial. It's written by Atta Ullah Aali and directed by Shahid Aziz. The lead cast of the serial includes Arjumand Rahim Arjumand Rahim comes out as a most talented theate >> Read More... as Mashal Chaudhary, Firdous Jamal Firdous Jamal is a renowned personality in the med >> Read More... as Chaudhary Noor Alam, Farhana Maqsood  Farhana Maqsood was born on December 12, 1985, >> Read More... as Sara, and Shamil Khan Shamil Khan was born on March 14, 1978, in Islamab >> Read More... as Imran.
Watch Aangan Mein Deewar on the Dailymotion website.