Yeh Shaadi Nahi ho Sakti is an Urdu TV serial aired on ARY Digital. There are 27 episodes, each running for up to 45 minutes on average. The show is written by Wasay Chaudhary, directed by Anjum Shahzad  Anjum Shahzad is a Pakistani writer, actor, pro >> Read More... and produced by Humayun Saeed Humayun Saeed has been known famously across Pakis >> Read More... , and Shahzad Nasib Shahzad Nasib is a Pakistani film producer, constr >> Read More... . The show stars Ahmed Haseen, Waseem Abbas He was born to Inayat Hussain Bhatti, a very renow >> Read More... , Amber Wajid Amber Wajid is a Pakistani TV actress, host, and a >> Read More... , Sadia Ghaffar Sadia Ghaffar is a Pakistani actress, born on 29 A >> Read More... , etc. The show revolves around the lives of two people, Sikandar and Alishba. These two people were in love with each other, but their parents were against their marriage. They tried everything in their power to try to convince them. In the end, they decided that once both families stayed together, they might as well agree to get married. The couple faces a lot of controversies and problems while staying together and preparing for marriage. The serial is a rom-com.