Tumhara Saath Jo Hota is a Pakistani serial that premiered in 2013 on PTV Home. The serial focuses on the life of Gohar-e-Nayab (Gohari), a beautiful and kind woman. She is a selfless woman who lost her mother at a young age. Gohari's story presents the ideology of an independent woman trying to survive in a selfish world. Gohari wanted to marry the handsome well-to-do Sami; however, her dream marriage was a plot for revenge. Gohari took a stand for herself after being cheated in love and exploited in the guise of care. Gohari worked on herself and improved her situation, unaware of the new turn she will experience. What will happen next? Watch the serial to find out. Tumhara Saath Jo Hota is an Urdu Language drama serial. It was written by Samina Aijaz and directed by Arif Khan. The lead cast of the serial includes Javeria Abbasi, Natasha Ali, and Kamran Jillani. Watch Tumhara Saath Jo Hota on Dailymotion's website.