Meray Charagar is a Pakistani emotional TV serial that aired on PTV Home in 2011. This serial revolves around the life of Abeeha Ansari, whose whole life is turned upside down because of one misunderstanding. Abeeha Ansari is happily engaged to Zaryaab, her cousin. She deeply loves him and was very happy to get married to him. Due to an unforeseen event, she gets trapped in a stormy night and has to stay a whole night away from home. This ends up creating many speculations about her whereabouts. This misunderstanding brings a lot of conflicts in her life when she is blamed for doing something which she never did. She is forced out of her house and is considered a shame to the family. Her engagement is called off, and she gets married to another man by her mother. This serial is a roller coaster ride of emotions that will keep the viewers hooked to the screens.