Tou dil ka kia hua is a Pakistani drama series that aired on HUM TV from 2 July 2017 to 18 February 2018. The show starred a super-talented ensemble cast with Sami Khan Sami Khan born on July 6, 1980 is a Pakistani acto >> Read More... , Ayeza Khan Ayeza Khan was born on January 15, 1991 in Karachi >> Read More... and Zahid Ahmed Zahid Ahmed is an Urdu theatre, film, and televisi >> Read More... in lead roles. Mansha Pasha Mansha Pasha is a well-known actress and televisio >> Read More... , Imran Ashraf Imran Ashraf is a writer and actor in the Pakistan >> Read More... , Noor Khan Noor Khan is an aspiring chef in the Bollywood fil >> Read More... , Rehan Sheikh Rehan Sheikh is a Pakistani actor, director, an ex >> Read More... and Hajra Yamin Hajra Yamin is a Pakistani television actress who >> Read More... played primary supportive roles, elevating the overall storyline of the drama. This drama is about love, revenge and the consequences of impulsive actions. Faris is a young and sensible man who co-owns a company with his uncle, Siraj. He believes love is everything and dearly loves his wife, Maya, a headstrong woman who is stubborn with her choices and believes everything is fair in love. Faris’s life turns upside down when Maya tells him that her ex-lover Saif has come back, and she has again fallen in love with him. She declares that she wants a divorce from him to be with Saif.
This betrayal destroys Faris, but he tries to put up a brave front. His only support system is Siraj, a profound man who understands life and love. Meanwhile, Faris’s childhood best friend and Maya’s university friend, Dariya visits Pakistan and is shocked by the news of Maya’s betrayal and her demand for divorce. Seeing Faris’s indifference towards his pain, she and Siraj grow concerned about him. Maya leaves Faris’s house and goes to her parent's home. Her parents and younger sister Zoya tell her that she is committing a big mistake as Faris is a good man and truly loves her, but Maya dismisses them, saying that she does not love him anymore. Maya is ecstatic to be with Saif, a cunning man who hides his malice behind charming words. In reality he does not love Maya and received one crore rupees to pretend to be in love with her and break her marriage with Faris. All of this is conspired by Siraj and Faris’s business rival because his daughter Muzna wanted to marry Faris, but he chose Maya instead.
Saif also has a hidden motive to destroy Faris and Siraj. Zoya feels guilty about Maya’s decision and is concerned about Faris; after a bit of motivation from Tipu, her friend and Muzna’s half-brother, she asks Faris to refuse to divorce Maya. Aware of Dariya’s deep love for Faris, Siraj tries to talk her into marrying him; she refuses him, saying that she has loved Faris since childhood, but will not be a replacement for Maya. Maya gets annoyed with the constant resistance of her parents towards her decision and leaves their house. She goes to Saif, but he says it is too soon for them to live together. Upset with Saif’s action, Maya goes to live with a friend, Bella and finds out that Lubna also lives there.
Maya hates Lubna because she had said mean things to her before. Lubna realizes Maya’s hatred and tells her that she will leave within a few days. Faris and Dariya get closer, and she secretly changes her mind to marry Faris, only if he proposes. Soon, Maya finds out that Lubna is Saif’s fiancée and he constantly cheats on her, but she forgives him because they were engaged in childhood, and that was the reason why Lubna was mean to her. Being able to see Saif’s wrongdoings, Maya declares that she hates him and regrets leaving a loving husband like Faris. Dariya decides to return to London, and Faris proposes to marry her. She still leaves after realizing he is not doing it out of love, but just to stop her from going.
Maya realizes her mistakes and shares with Lubna and Bella that she wants to return to Faris. Zoya gets into an accident and Faris saves her. She slowly starts loving him, much to Tipu’s dismay, who secretly loves her and is heartbroken when he comes to know the truth. The rest of the drama answers some of the most exciting questions. Did Maya’s repentance make Faris forgive her? Did Zoya act on her feelings, and if so, how did it go for her and Faris? What did Tipu do with his heartbreak? And the most intriguing one, why did Saif want to hurt Faris so personally?