Tawaan is a Pakistani Urdu TV serial that aired on Hum TV. The show follows a appealing narrative of love, sacrifice, and familial bonds amidst challenging circumstances. The show revolves around the lives of two cousins, Raima and Rehan, who are very close to each other from childhood. Raima, portrayed by Moomal Khalid Moomal Khalid is a Pakistani model and television >> Read More... , is a kind-hearted and selfless young woman, while Rehan, played by Emmad Irfani Emmad Irfani is a Pakistani model who has created >> Read More... , is a responsible and protective individual. As they grow and deal with life’s challenges they unexpectedly fall in love with each other.
Raima's life takes an unexpected turn when she meets with a tragedy , leaving her shattered. She falls into a world of deceit, manipulation, and betrayal. The story follows her struggle to overcome challenges, fight for justice, and maintain her dignity. Along the way, she finds a supportive friend in Zayan (played by Asad Siddiqui Asad Siddiqui is an actor and model. He has been p >> Read More... ), whose life becomes intertwined with hers .As the narrative unfolds, "Tawaan" explores themes of resilience, determination, and the power of love.Â
Raima's journey serves as an inspiration to viewers as she battles against the odds to reclaim her life and find happiness again. The show showcases the strength of character and the importance of staying true to one's values, even in the face of adversity. The show stars Moomal Khalid as Raima, Emmad Irfani as Rehan, and Asad Siddiqui as Zayan “Tawaan" is directed by Syed Wahb Jafri and produced by Momina Duraid Productions.