Shab-E-Zindagi is a Pakistani romantic drama TV serial that aired on HUM TV. The plot focuses itself on the life of Mariam a sweet middle-class girl. Mariam is married to Yasir and is going through a financial struggle. Yasir is struggling to make ends meet so lives with his brother and sister-in-law. Every day is a new struggle for Mariam but she never gives up and tries to cope with the situations. Soon life takes a turn when Asad comes back from abroad. Asad is Mariam’s cousin and returns to get married to Mariam’s younger sister Nazia. This marriage looks like any other normal marriage but Asad has some other plans. Asad is only using this marriage to get close to Mariam as he has not been able to forget her for the past six years. Will fate bring Asad and Mariam together or life has other plans for them?