Mannat is an Urdu Pakistani drama that premiered on 20 November 2016 on the Geo TV channel. It was produced by Babar Javed Babar Javed is a Pakistani film director and produ >> Read More... and directed by Amin Iqbal Amin Iqbal is a television director, producer, and >> Read More... . It starred Rabab Hashim Rabab Hashim, the famous Pakistan actress and mode >> Read More... and Sami Khan Sami Khan born on July 6, 1980 is a Pakistani acto >> Read More... in lead roles. The show focuses on Mannat, an educated and sensible girl married to an affluent family by his uncle. She is in love with another man, but it is a shock to her that the family she is married to is cursed. The curse states that all males of the family die as soon as they turn 27. Her husband’s age is 25, and she is pressured to give an heir to the family.
All widows of the family want to save their family’s name by Mannat’s boy. Being an educated woman, Mannat doesn’t believe in these superstitions and tries to assure her family that it is a myth. Her life turns topsy-turvy when they find out she can’t become a mother. Will Mannat be able to save her husband and give birth before she dies? All show’s episodes are available on the HAR PAL GEO YouTube channel.