Jeena To Yahi Hai is an ecstatic, emotionally enriching drama serial of Ary Digital which unfolds various dimensions of human relationships and relentless pursuit of happiness. The story mainly revolves around the life of Zara, a super dominant and independent lady who, since the very beginning, has pushed life ahead, moving every sphere of life by and large into more consideration of career and goals rather than the stereotype of expectations one have form the female in the family. The role of Zara in that movie, played by the talented actress who led the life of an already successful entrepreneur with a thriving business, brings to this glory, only moments of emptiness in private life and a constant search for the love of one's life and a sense of attachment in life.
Her journey starts from the day she takes a sabbatical from a numbing career, seeking personal growth and finding out what makes her really happy. The story unfolds as Zara embarks on a journey in which her time spent with people makes her change her way of looking at life and love. Among them is Arjun, an empathetic and suave man who always seemed to understand her in some way that nobody else did. What began by chance became an evolution of a deep, meaningful connection between them. But societal pressure, insecurities, and pasts test their love.
Parallel to the events in her life, there is an entire set of those in its inner circle: a close-knit group of friends and family members, each bringing along their share of problems and dreams. These are several storylines running parallel with one another. The series wraps themes on friendship and family obligation up with the search for personal fulfillment: how complex relationships work in the modern age and how much it takes to chase your dreams. Through it all, strong lessons are had by Zara on self-worth, resilience, and at the core, being true to oneself. Elegant in emotional depth and light-hearted times, this gives an engaging portrayal of contemporary living to which viewers identify. Jeena To Yahi Hai is an enthralling portrait of life—inspiring, well-named, and unforgettable. It's a sage of finely etched characters harnessed well by a robust storyline and soaked with the deepest questions of life. The serial only goes to prove that true bliss lies in knowing oneself and approaching the sojourn of life with an open heart.