Jeena Dushwar Sahi is a Pakistani serial that premiered in 2014 on PTV Home. The serial focuses on the life of a young woman who rises from her traumatic past experiences to relish a blissful life. Sara is a young woman who is the victim of her stepmother's hatred. Later, when Sara gets married, her suffering continues at her husband's house as she becomes the target of her father-in-law's revenge. Sara's suffering ends when a new character enters the plot. What happens next? Watch to find out. Jeena Dushwar Sahi is an Urdu-language drama serial. The serial is written by Iqbal Bano Iqbal Bano is a famous scriptwriter of dramas who >> Read More... and directed by Shoaib Khan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The lead cast of the serial includes Arij Fatyma In many ways, it is remarkable that Arij Fatyma, o >> Read More... , Huma Nawab Huma Nawab is a popular Pakistani actress. She was >> Read More... , Affan Waheed Affan Waheed is a Pakistani model/actor/RJ, who sh >> Read More... , Kaif Ghaznavi, Mahira Khan Mahira Khan or Mahira Hafeez Khan is a Pakistani a >> Read More... , Manzoor Qureshi  Manzoor Qureshi was a popular Pakistani actor b >> Read More... , and Ramsha Khan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . Watch Jeena Dushwar Sahi on Dailymotion's website.