Ishq Nachaya is a Pakistani Urdu-language drama series premiered on channel Express Entertainment. The show highlights an intricate dance filled with love. It features a love story as it transforms even when the most devilish characters come into the picture. The show’s storyline revolves around the love story of Shayan (played by Yasir Shoro Born in Hyderabad, Yasir Shoro is a resident of Ka >> Read More... ) and Sania (played by Diya Mughal Diya Mughal is a Pakistani actress and model born >> Read More... ). The story begins when they meet in a wedding ceremony, Shayan falls in love with Sania. On the same night, they exchange contacts, but things turn when Ramzi (played by Imran Ashraf Imran Ashraf is a writer and actor in the Pakistan >> Read More... ) robs Shayan. Shayan loses his phone with her contact. Now, things take a wilder turn when Ramzi sends a message on Sania's number unknowingly. She responds thinking it to be Shayan’s message. Ramzi starts pretending to be Shayan.
Sania's mother (played by Majida Hameed Majida Hameed is a Pakistani actress known for wor >> Read More... ) wished. Talking regularly on the phone brings them closer. Ramzi hasn't seen Sania but he believes her to be more beautiful than his imaginations. Sarwar also loves Sania whom Ramzi's cousin, Soni secretly loves. So when Sarwar (played by Saleem Meraj) learns that Sania is in love with someone else, his world gets shattered. What will happen now? Will these feelings that are not reciprocated ever will be? Will the two people, Shayan and Sania, actually get to know the truth? The rest of the story deals with that. The show was directed beautifully by Mohsin Talat Mohsin Talat is a Pakistani director and producer >> Read More... . The storyline was penned by Anwer Jamal. It stars Rubina Arif Rubina Arif is a Pakistani actress, born on 15 Jul >> Read More... , Imran Ashraf, and Hashim Butt Hashim Butt is a long-serving Drama and Cinema Act >> Read More... in lead roles.