Hum Chale Aaye is an Urdu comedy telefilm that aired on June 17, 2018, on Geo Television. It stars Madiha Imam Madiha Imam is a Pakistani host, VJ and actress. S >> Read More... , Mohammad Ahmad, Arjumand Azhar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , and Hina Dilpazir in pivotal roles. It was written by Mohammad Ahmad and directed by Mehreen Jabbar  Mahreen Jabbar is a New York-based TV Director/ >> Read More... . The film circles around the lives of two brothers whose wives can’t tolerate each other’s presence. The younger of the two brothers shifts to his family home with his wife. Constant rifts keep happening between his wife and that of his older brother. Meanwhile, the entire family has to act as a peacemaker to bridge the difference between the two. The Eid special shall surely lighten the viewer’s spirits and is an absolute delight for comedy enthusiasts.