Dadi ka Damad is an Urdu telefilm that premiered on July 22, 2021, on Har Pal Geo TV. The Saima Waseem directorial stars Madiha Imam Madiha Imam is a Pakistani host, VJ and actress. S >> Read More... , Affan Waheed Affan Waheed is a Pakistani model/actor/RJ, who sh >> Read More... , Hina Bayat, Farhan Ali Agha Farhan Ali Agha is a Pakistani model and actor. He >> Read More... , and many other popular names. It is produced by 7th Sky Entertainment. Zaviyar returns to his homeland, Pakistan, after receiving knowledge of his grandmother's ailment. She expresses her last wish. She wants Zaviyar to become her son-in-law. Zaviyar reconnects with his grandmother’s long-lost brother and endeavors to reunite the two families. His grandmother’s last wish starts seeming less absurd as Zaviyar falls in love with his cousin Anaya. But Anaya is a fiercely independent woman and has no desire to marry him. On the other hand, Zaviyar is stubborn and keeps pursuing Anaya. The film is a wholesome yet meaningful family drama that will surely leave the audience wishing for more.