Hasna Mana Hai is a Pakistani sitcom. The show premiered on BOL Entertainment on March 7th, 2022. The show revolves around a family. In the plot, a man with two kids marries a woman with three children. Life then gets twisted. The show stars Shabbir Jan Shabbir Jan is a Lollywood artist who is present i >> Read More... and Naheed Shabbir Naheed Shabbir is a supremely talented T.V actress >> Read More... as the couple who have remarried. Their respective children are played by Nimrah Shahid, Ali Raza Ali is a highly accomplished and well-recognized C >> Read More... , Bashar Ali, Hanzala, and Hania. The premise involves various humorous situations arising from this family. The children don't get along well, which leads to a chaotic situation. However, the parents have strictly forbidden anyone from laughing or making fun of each other. The show portrays a generational clash and step-siblings have opposing personalities. These circumstances create a humorous situation in the family.