Darr Khuda Say (‘Fear God’) is a Pakistani television series aired from 18 June 2019 to 24 March 2020. The show has 42 episodes in total. Sarwat Nazeer has written this show and, Anjum Shehzad has directed it. The producers are Abdullah Kadwani Abdullah Kadwani is a Pakistani actor, producer, a >> Read More... and Asad Qureshi Asad Qureshi is a British-Pakistan origin filmmake >> Read More... , under 7th Sky Entertainment. This show is available to stream on YouTube in some countries and on the VIU app. Atrangii TV channel and app of the same name are available to stream this in India. The Cast includes Imran Abbas, Sana Javed Unlike their counterparts in India, Pakistani acto >> Read More... , Kiran Haq Kiran Haq is an actress in the Pakistan Television >> Read More... , Qavi Khan Qavi Khan aka Mohammad Qavi Khan is a Pakistani mo >> Read More... , Mizna Waqas  Born on the 3rd of January inKarachi, MiznaWaqa >> Read More... , and Ali Ansari.
This Drama has attempted to portray the #MeToo movement and the harsh reality of Workplace Harassment. The plot revolves around Afreen, who has taken up a job to support her struggling family. There, she meets her Boss, Shahwaiz, who is used to harassing Girls at the workplace. The Drama portrays Afreen’s struggles to defend herself against her Boss’s behavior.