Dard Aashna is a Pakistani family drama series in Urdu. It premiered on A Plus channel on March 21, 2014, under the banner of the 7th Sky Entertainment production company. Its star cast includes Farhan Ali Agha Farhan Ali Agha is a Pakistani model and actor. He >> Read More... , Sabreen Hisbani Sabreen Hisbani is a Pakistani actress known for h >> Read More... , and Zainab Qayum. This series emphasizes common social issues and how much one understands spouse or partner.
Its story revolves around a happily married man, Omer Arfeen. He is a wealthy man. He lives with his wife and children in luxury and comfort. One day, due to some circumstances, he loses everything, and his wife abandons him at this crucial time. His wife, Sania, did not support him during bad times and became arrogant overnight. However, the much-needed support and love came from his cousin, Rabiya. She won his and his children’s hearts with her selfless love and kindness, and Omer overcame the problems life threw at him. On the other hand, Sania eventually destroyed her own life due to her attitude and arrogance.Â