Croron Mein Khel is a popular game show in Pakistan that premiered on 6th December 2018 on BOL Network. The game show begins with a celebrity guest episode and later opens up for the general people. Croron Mein Khel, which translates to "Game of Millions", is a game show where the host quizzes the contestants about international news and current affairs. The show is loosely based on the concept of the Indian game show Kaun Banega Crorepati; however, instead of cash prizes the winner of Croron Mein Khel wins smartphones, home appliances, gold, diamonds, and even a bungalow.
Croron Mein Khel aired from 2018-2020 and during this duration, there were new hosts and celebrity guests on the show. Nadia Khan Nadia Khan is a Pakistani television actress, pres >> Read More... , Maria Wasti Maria Wasti, born on 14th August 1971, is a Pakist >> Read More... , Zainab Qayyum Zainab Qayyum is also known as ZQ is a Pakistani a >> Read More... , and Sanam Jung An acting career seems to be following a familiar >> Read More... were seen hosting the show. Croron Mein Khel has 238 episodes that are 60 minutes long. Reema Khan Reema Khan is an actress, producer, host, and dire >> Read More... , Faysal Qureshi  Faysal Quraishi is a Pakistani actor and produc >> Read More... , Imran Abbas, Danish Taimoor Danish Taimoor is a Pakistani model and TV actor. >> Read More... , and Syed Jibran are among the other celebrity guests that are frequently invited on the show. Watch Croron Mein Khel on BOL Network's YouTube channel.