Champions is the most-watched reality show in Pakistan that premiered on 4th November 2019 on BOL Network. The show is a Pakistani adaptation of the Indian reality show Big Boss. Champions is a youth-based reality show hosted by Waqar Zaka Waqar Zaka was born on July 17, 1980, in the city >> Read More... . Contestants are selected through an audition conducted by Waqar Zaka. Later, the selected contestants are made to stay together in a house without their phones to avoid any interaction with the outside world. Contestants are given tasks throughout their stay in the house, and every week, one contestant is eliminated until the show gets their lone winner who survives the various tasks and situations.
Champions show was recorded in the BOL house, where 15 contestants stayed together for 30 days. The show has 27 episodes available for viewing on BOL Network's YouTube channel and website. Contestants on the show include Balach Masud Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Aamir Siyal Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Kashaf Ansari Kashaf Ansari, a sweet personality with an evergre >> Read More... , and Hammad Ali Khan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , among others. Watch champions on BOL Network's YouTube channel.