Amanat is a television series aired by ARY Digital. It is a twisted and complicated story involving love, friendships, and betrayal. It revolves around a man named Zarar. When his friend suddenly passes away, leaving his wife, Meher, behind, Zarar takes the responsibility of caring for her and sheltering her. However, Zarar's fiancee, Zunairah, is furious when he brings Meher back home without any further explanation. In her anger, she takes revenge by marrying Zarar's brother instead. As the story goes on, we get to learn many truths and complicated love. This series stars Imran Abbas, Sabor Aly, Urwa Hocane Urwa Hocane is a Pakistani actress, VJ and a model >> Read More... , Haroon Shahid Haroon Shahid is a Pakistani Actor. He works predo >> Read More... , and more.