Baddua is a television series aired by ARY Digital and produced by Abdullah Seja Abdullah Seja is a Pakistani television producer. >> Read More... . It is a rollercoaster series full of thrilling plots and emotions. The story revolves around a girl named Abeer. Abeer does not like to follow the conservative rules of her household and instead enjoys charming boys and using them to her advantage. She meets Juahid, a charming and flirtatious boy, and takes a liking to him. However, he gets engaged to Neelum, who is Abeer’s best friend. Upon hearing this news, Abeer plots to break them up and charms Juhaid into her traps. This series stars Amar Khan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Maryam Noor Maryam Noor was born in Karachi, Pakistan, on 10 O >> Read More... , Muneeb Butt  Born in April 1992 into a Kashmiri family in Ka >> Read More... , Salma Hassan Salma Hassan was born on February 25th, 1975 in Ka >> Read More... , and more.