“Radha Gopalam” is a currently running Telugu serial on Gemini TV Channel. The show went on air on 11th April 2016 while replacing the serial ‘ Kalusukovalani After ``Aadavari Maatalaku Arthale Verule´´, ``Gem >> Read More... ’. Cheerla Prabhakar Reddy wrote the show, and it is broadcasted from Monday to Friday at 7:00 pm on Gemini TV Channel. This is a project that is being launched under Prabhakar’s direction. The serial has been shot in the locality of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Radha Gopalam revolves around the lives of an immensely wealthy family that lives in Rajahmundry. They run a banana business through which they earn huge money and hence, live a luxurious life.
As we move forward in the serial, we come to know that once, the head woman of the family got ditched by an unqualified girl who accepted the marriage proposal with her son but later ran away with another guy on the final day. That was the day from which she realised that education has enormous relevance. She then decided to tie the knot of her son to an educated girl only for which she announces a huge amount of about 1crore to whosoever brings an ideal educated match for her son. On the other hand, there is a sweet, innocent girl who lives with her step-mother and two step-sisters.
The sisters and the mother do not treat her well, and they always misbehave with her. But, when the greedy stepmother comes to know about the offer of the head women of the family, she decides to use her stepdaughter to get the money by presenting her as an educated girl so as to set the match with the rich lady’s son. She then lies to the head women and tells her that the stepdaughter was a well-educated girl. The head woman of the family gets impressed by her and hence, arranges the marriage for her son and the girl. In return, the stepmother gets a huge amount of money which was no less than a lottery for her.
The rest of the story shows the problems that the new daughter-in-law was facing in the new family and shows how she tries to overcome her shortcomings and handle her rich mother-in-law. The storyline of the serial is much similar to the usual Mother-in-law and the Daughter-in-law relation but has remarkable twists and turns with a pinch of romance and comedy which is much appreciated by the audience.