Akila is a Telugu language TV serial that aired on the channel Gemini TV, one of the Sun Network extensions. It is directed by Venkat. It is produced by M. Saravanan, M. Balasubramanian, and M. S. Guhan under AVM Productions. The serial depicts the life of middle-class people and the struggles they face in the form of monetisation and social norms. Sundaram Murthy has five children. The first is a girl child, Lalitha, who is in her twenties and ready to marry. She is a rude person who keeps mocking her siblings and parents for being thrifty. She doesn’t help her family in the daily chores but tells everyone what to do. The second is a boy who is studying B. Com and is in the final year.
The third one is Akila, who wakes up early in the morning and does all the house chores, including cooking, cleaning, paying the bills, distributing the budget, sending her siblings to school and college. In the morning hurry, everyone calls for her for everything they need, and she does everything for everyone without complaining. The fourth child is a school-going boy who is willing to help Akila whenever she needs. The fifth child is Bhavani, a school-going girl. They have lived in a rented house for ages. The house owner is an old lady whose son and daughter-in-law stay in Delhi. The grandkids stay with her. She is a lovely lady who helps Sundaram Murthy’s family when they are in need. One day, Sundaram Murthy’s friend visits him in the office to tell him that he has found a match for Lalitha. Sundaram Murthy tells the marriage broker that he can’t give the groom too much dowry, and the marriage also will be done very simply.
When the groom’s family comes to see Lalitha, it is revealed that the marriage broker told them that they had plots in various parts of the city and their own house. When Sundaram Murthy tells them that it is not true, they immediately reject Lalitha and leave. Lalitha chastises her father for telling them the truth, believing that she will never find a groom by telling the truth. The family faces another challenge when Sundaram Murthy’s step-sister, Vyjayanthi, gets into trouble. His step-mother has never treated him well, but he has always taken care of his step-sister. Vyjayanthi was born without the ability to speak. Worried that she might never find a good husband, her mother got her married to an older person when she was twenty, without informing Sundaram Murthy.
Her husband died within two months of the marriage, and Vyjayanthi has stayed with her in-laws since then. It has been five years. When Sundaram Murthy went to visit her, he found her outside the house, shunned by her in-laws and the villagers. She was pregnant. With her inability to speak, she couldn’t tell anyone what happened. Sundaram Murthy took her to his house, and everyone suggested that she get an abortion done. Lalitha made it her mission to make Vyjayanthi feel bad about herself every chance she got.
Vyjayanthi begged Akila to convince her father not to get her aborted. Akila tried, but her parents said it was the right thing to do, as her condition would complicate their already messed up lives and that Lalitha, Akila, and Bhavani would never get married. These were only a few of the many challenges faced by Sundaram Murthy and his family. The burden of pushing the family forward and providing them with a good life fell upon Sundaram Murthy and that of comforting everyone and making their life easier fell upon Akila.