Star Junction is a Tamil television show. This television show had been telecasted in the Tamil channel of Puthuyugam TV. The format of this television show had been set up as a Celebrity Talk Show. The anchor who had been hosting this talk show was Vanditha. The show focuses on those film celebrities who have been popularized in recent times. The celebrities had been invited to this talk show, for a one on one interaction with the host. The celebrities who had come to this talk show discussed their life in the films, and their personal lives off the screen.
This talk show had been hosted like an interview, where at first the celebrities are divulged into some interaction with the host regarding their personal lives and life in the films, followed by this, they are asked questions about their private lives, and at the end, they are made to play a rapid fire round with the host asking them various types of questions. This television celebrity talk show is one of a kind. It is filled with frolic, and fun. And this television celebrity talk show provides its viewers with a lot of entertainment, and the fans of the celebrities, a chance to get acquainted with their personal lives.
The biggest hit of this talk show was when Raja Mohan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... made an appearance in this show. Raja Mohan is a very well accomplished movie director in India. He works mainly in the Tamil movie industry. He made his debut as a director in the Telugu movie industry with a movie called Hanuman Junction. This movie was a remake of Thenkasi Pattanam, which was a Malayalam film, and was his only non-Tamil piece of work. In his next film, which was Jayam, he gave a break into the movies to his brother Jayam Ravi Born on September 10, 1980, Jayam Ravi’s original >> Read More... , that too in the lead role.
All of his subsequent movies, Unakkum Enakkum, M.Kumaran Son of Mahalakshmi, and Santosh Subramaniam featured Ravi in the lead role, and all of them emerged as commercial successes. His fifth movie, Thillalangadi, which was also with his brother in the lead role, was an average grosser and didn’t make such huge profits from his previous films. In 2011, he directed the movie Velayudham, starring Vijay in the lead role this time, which made a grand opening but lagged behind later and became an average grosser. Raja Mohan hasn’t only directed movies but acted in some as well. His first acting piece, in which he debuted, was in Enna Satham Indha Neram.